Montana Self-Insurers Association CE Webinar
Montana & Countrywide WC System Results - FREE WEBINAR
Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 10a MDT.
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The Montana Self Insurers Association (MSIA) has asked the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) to share their perspectives on the Montana and Countrywide Workers’ Compensation System Results with ALL Montana system stakeholders.
Join us on June 6 at 10a MDT for this FREE Webinar available to everyone regardless of the role you play in our workers’ compensation system.
Presented by NCCI’s Executive Director & Actuary for Actuarial & Economic Services, John Deacon and Senior State Relations Executive Todd Johnson on the latest information included in the NCCI filing which resulted in a -3% change in the overall average loss costs in our system.
- Do you remember the last time there was an increase in our NCCI filed loss costs?
- What’s driving this change?
- How does Montana compare to other regional states or the country as a whole?
- Do we have more claims than other states?
Continuing education credit is available for both the MT CSI Producer and the MT Department of Labor WC Claims Examiner license for this Montana and Countrywide Workers’ Compensation System Results.
If you are seeking the CSI Producer license CE credit, you MUST provide your name as it appears on your license, your NPN number and your license number.
Incomplete or inaccurate information will result in our not being able to apply your credit.
Contact the MSIA Office or click the link above or below to register. If you are registering on line – identify that you are a member of the Association to avoid the charge.
NCCI filed a -3% overall loss cost change in our system to be effective for new and renewal policies effective on July 1. What drove those changes?
As well, we will learn about Legislative changes in our region and across the country, including:
- Mental injuries
- Marijuana
- Hallucinogens and Psychedelics
- IC’s / Gig Economy
- Single Payer Health Insurance
NCCI will also share what resources they provide and their latest research. Join us on June 6 @ 10a MDT!
This MSIA Webinar is sponsored by Turner Vocational Resources and The Preferred Medical.
This MSIA Webinar is sponsored by

Contact Michael Marsh at 406-656-9960 or
Contact David Dubrof at 404-664-5555 or
Advance registration is required for this FREE Webinar on the Montana and Countrywide Workers’ Compensation System Results and closes on June 5!
Contact the MSIA Office or complete the form below to register. Identify that you are a member of the Association to avoid the charge.